Introducing our new blog series, Flip the Script. Read our first post now, The Truth About Surrogacy in Canada.

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ID: 10205
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 25
Height: 5' 7"

Location: Alberta, Canada
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Do you prefer an anonymous or open donation? No preference

What made you interested in becoming an egg donor?

My parents friends are looking into the process for a surrogate and hearing how it all works I got a lot more educated and I would love nothing more than to be able to help people just like them start a family.

Family is so important, and if I could be a part of the reason you get to start a family, it would make me so happy knowing I made a difference. Life is short and I want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to live life to the fullest and helping people is what brings me the most joy.

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Why choose us?

We set standards for how surrogacy should be approached in Canada. Founder, Angela Truppe sits on an Ethics Committee with a team of professionals in the industry to ensure that the decisions made within her program are above reproach and do not compromise the integrity of her clients. The team at CSC are always striving to offer the best resources, guidance, and support through every step of the process.

Babies Born
Surrogates Pregnant
Egg Donors
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